The False Dichotomy of "Economic" and "Personal" Freedom
The concept of freedom is often discussed in terms of a dichotomy between "economic" and "personal" dimensions, underscored by debates between right- and left-leaning ideologues. Many politicians and parties consider one of these aspects more essential than the other, emphasizing the dichotomy and creating a perceived rift between personal and private action. Despite the focus placed upon it, this dichotomy is false, and so-called "economic" and "personal" freedoms are actually inseparable and cannot exist but as a single whole: freedom. According to Wikipedia's article on economic freedom, the classical liberal view defines it as "the freedom to produce, trade and consume any goods and services acquired without the use of force, fraud, theft or government regulation." This characterization of economic freedom is in essence the ability to do what one pleases with one's property, so long as it does not involve forcing others to...